Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007, was the last session of the Living Faith Community Group at Oak Mountain Presbyterian. All Community Groups will be change on March 25th to accomodate a change in the Community Group structure and curriculum.

The last series taught in the Living Faith Community Group was the Last Week of the Life of Christ. Monte Starkes gave great insights into the thoughts, words and emotions that Christ and His disciples during the most stressful but victorious week of His life.

See the Tyndale blog to get more on the community of Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church. http://ompcTyndale.blogspot.com.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Cross
March 18, 2007

8:30 am
Luke 23

9:00 am
Luke 23
John 19

12:00 PM
Matthew 27

3 00 PM
John 19

The Trial
March 11, 2007

John 18
Luke 22. 54
Matthew 26. 57-65
Refer to Daniel 7

Pilate - Scene 1
John 18. 33
"Are you the king?"
"Is this tour idea on others?"
"I am not a Jew am I. "
"What have you done?"

Pilate - Scene 2
John 19