Monday, November 06, 2006

One Blood Clot saves Two Lives

The following is a re-dramatization based on what Coby McGinty relayed to me. I may not have all the facts straight but the outcome was pretty clear.


Coby had been lying around recouping from surgery. He'd had scheduled outpatient surgery after a long trip around the country visiting churches.

After taking it easy for about 6 days, he got up from his chair and experienced sharp pain under his rib cage. He observed this for awhile but the pain continued to increase so he decided he should tell Pam. By this time he was bent over in pain.

Pam called the ER and they went there immediately.

Within 5 minutes, the doctors determine it was not a heart attack.

Coby was in the hospital for the next several days. He shared a room with a fairly angry man and the man showed his anger at times towards the staff. Nurses comforted Coby and said that he could change rooms if he wanted too. He didn't change rooms because he thinks he is out of there in a short time.

Pam came to visit close to the end of the hospital stay and as she steps into the room the man catches her eye. He asks, "Why do all these people pray for Coby?" They dialog about that and she asks if he has ever read the Bible--does he have a Bible? Pam brings him a Bible. Another of Coby's visitors gives the man a list of passages of scripture to read. The man asks Coby through the curtain (Coby has not even met the man at this point) where he should stop reading. Coby relays that he should just continue.

Coby meets the man on his last day in the hospital, gives him a book, the Gospel Explained, and asks the man about his life. At the end of the conversation, Coby asks the man if he would like to meet over the next several weeks after they get out of the hospital. He agrees.

On the seventh and final meeting the man gave his life to Christ. He and his son are now faithful attendees at the McGinty's church and they both love the church.

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