Sunday, September 03, 2006

Topics for Study of Christ - Fall 06

Purpose of the series: …”being transformed into his likeness….”
“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

Who was Jesus?
What was his purpose?
What did he do?
How did he relate?
What has he commanded us to be and do?
What difference does it make?

Schedule, Lesson number and date:

9-10 Names of Christ
Taught by class members, moderated by Alan

9-17 Fulfillment of the prophecy: Who does the Old Testament say Jesus is why he came, what was his function.
Taught by Hugh

9-24 Chronology of His life and ministry 1, Birth through end of Galilee ministry. Purpose, location, relationships, key events
Taught by Alan

10-1 Chronology of His life and ministry 2, End of Galilee ministries through ascension. Purpose, location, relationships, key events
Taught by Alan

10-8 His divinity/humanity Taught by Hugh
Examples from the different phases of the ministry, Implications to us

10-15 Home Mission Sunday, guest speakers

10-22 Christ’s Goal orientation Taught by Hugh
The concept of goal orientation, purpose driven, examples of Jesus goals and techniques

10-29 Miracles of Christ Taught by Alan
Examples of miracles from each phase of ministry, purpose of the miracles, individuals and groups involved, lessons taught.

11-5 Proverbs of Christ Taught by Alan-
How and why Jesus taught with parables, Value of word pictures in expressing ideas and emotions.

11-12 Satanic Warfare & Persecution of Christ Taught by Hugh
Examples, sequence in the ministry, His response

11-19 Christ’s Relationship with Sinners Taught by Alan
Examples, Christ’s purpose, Sinners response, impact on observers

11-26 Christ’s Prayer life/Relationship with God –“ My heart- Christ’s home”
Taught by Hugh

12-3 Christ the Healer Taught by Hugh
What did Christ think if illness, his response, impact of his healing others

12-10 Christ the Encourager Taught by Alan
When, who, why did Jesus encourage. How can we do likewise?

12-17 Christ the Disciple maker Taught by Hugh
Why and how Jesus chose and developed his followers.

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