Monday, January 23, 2006


1. What I was before: loneliness, strife, guilt, fear emptiness, rejection, insecurity, depression. Select only one and describe your life before receiving eternal life. Include personal details from your own life experience. (see examples in handouts)

2. How I received eteranl life.

A friend shared with me that God had provided eternal life for me.... and then what the conditions were to receive this life.

3. What eternal life has meant to me. Explan change...guilt to forgiveness, depression to hope, emptines to purpose or rebellion to obedience.

(see handouts)

...What a difference it makes to know that if I die right now, I would go to be with God in heaven...

May I ask you a question?


For a childhood conversion, skil the What I was before and emphasize what it has meant to you to have eternal life.

Begin with: I can't remember a time when I didn't know that I had eternal life. Or, I learned as a small child that God gave me eternal life.

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