Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Evangelism Syllabus Outline
1. Introduction
2. The Hand Illustration
3. Making Friends/ Personal testimony
4. Personal testimony/Asking the right questions
5. Grace/Man
6. God/Christ
7. Faith/follow-up
8. Complete Demonstration/Child-Youth variations
9. Handling objections
10. Witnessing as a way of life

Detailed Hand Presentaion

THUMB...Like a free ride given to a hitchhiker

  • Heaven is a free gift - Romans 6:23
  • It is not earned or deserved - Ephesians 2:8-9
This is more easily understood when we see what the bible says about man...

INDEX FINGER....used to point out the flaws in others, but we have three fingers pointing back at ourselves.

It reminds us that...
  • Man is a sinner - Romans 3:23
  • He cannot save himself - Matt 5:48
We can better see why man can't save himself when we understand what the Bible teaches about God...

GREAT FINGER...Reminds us of the greatest Person in the universe, God.

  • God is merciful and doesn't want to puish us - 1 John 4:8b
  • But, God is also just and must punish our sin - Exodus 34:7b
This presents a problem for us that God solved thorough the person of Jesus Christ...

RING FINGER...Reminds us of Christ because we are the Bride fo Christ.

  • Jesus Christ is the infinite God-Man (fully God, fully man) - John 1:1, 14
  • He died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins and purchase a place in heaven for us - 1 Peter 3:18
We receive the Gift of Eternal life through Faith...

LITTLE FINGER...Reminds us of faith, it is small, like a mustard seed.

  • Saving Faith is not mere head knowledge nor temporary faith. - James 2:19
  • Saving Faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation - Acts 16:31

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