Sunday, January 29, 2006

Asking the right questions

Diagnostic Question #1 (Do they THINK they have assurance?)

Have you come to the place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that when you die would go to heaven or is that something you’d say you are still working on?

The Bible says we can know for sure that we’re going to heaven when we die. It says, “I write these things so that you may know you have eternal life.” (1John 5:13)

(That’s a KNOW SO thing in a HOPE SO world.)

May I share with you how I came to know I came to know I have eternal life and how you can also?

Before I do that may I ask you another question?

Diagnostic Question #2 (What are they trusting in?)

Suppose you were to die today and you found yourself standing before God and He asked you, “Why should I let you into My heaven?” What would you say to Him?

You must get an answer!
• Re-word
• Generalize (what would you say the requirements are)
• State what you thought (golden rule, 10 commandments)
• Agree they just don’t know what the requirements are.

Listen and repeat their answer so they can’t say later, “That’s what I really meant.”

Interpret the answers

Question #1     Question#2    Diagnosis    Treatment
1. YES     Trust Christ      Christian      Listen to their testimony
2. NO      Trust self      Non Christian      Share the Gospel
3. YES      Trust Self      Self Righteous      Share the Gospel
4. NO      Trust Christ      Lacks Assurance      Share the Gospel

How to deal with a wrong answer?

When I heard your answer to the first question I thought I had some good news for you, but after hearing your answer to the second question I know I’ve got the greatest news you’ve ever heard. That quite a statement isn’t it?

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