Sunday, February 05, 2006

EVANGELISM Session 5 Handout


No amount of personal effort, good works, or religious deeds can earn a place in heaven for you because eternal life, like any genuine gift, is free.

Suppose your best friend were to surprise you with an expensive gift and let's suppose your response would be that of immediately digging into your purse or wallet for a couple of bills to help pay for the gift. What an insult that would be! You must accept gifts freely. If you pay even a penny, it is no longer a gift.

It is the same with eternal life.


When we think of sin many times we think only of robbery, murder, adultery, etc. The Bible tells us that sin is anything that doesn't please God or is a transgression of his law. Anything we do that we shouldn't, like losing our temper or stealing - these are sins of commission. Anything we should do but don't, like failing to pray or read the Bible or to truly love our neighbor - these are sins of omission. There are not only sins in deed, but also sins in word and thought like lying, cursing, lust, pride, and hatred. The Bible says these are all sins.


Suppose I sinned only ten times a day, or even five, or even just three. Why, I would be practically a walking angel. Imagine if no more than three times a day did I think unkind thoughts, or lose my temper, or fail to do what I ought towards God and man - I would be a pretty fine person, would I not?

Even if I were this good, I would still have over 1,000 transgressions a year! If I lived to be the age of 70, I would have 70,000 violations of the law of God on my record. .Think what would happen to an habitual offender in a criminal court with 70,000 transgressions on his record.

This illustrates that not only am I a sinner, but also that my sin is a very serious issue.


If l were to prepare an omelet with five good eggs and one rotten egg, I could not serve it to company and expect it to be acceptable.

Even less can we serve up our lives to God, which may have many things in them that men would call good, and yet are filled with deeds and thoughts that are rotten, and expect them to be acceptable to God.

If we want to get into heaven by our good works, then all we have to do is to be perfect (quote Matthew 5:48). God's standard is complete obedience to Him in all things and at all times. We all fall short of this.

Do you see now why it is impossible for anyone to get into heaven by their good works?

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