Sunday, February 19, 2006

EVANGELISM Session 7 Handout

The Chair

You do believe this chair exists, don't you (point to empty chair)? Do you believe this chair would support me if I were to sit on it? But you see it's not holding me up for one simple reason: I'm not sitting on it.

For the sake of making my point, let the chair I'm sitting in represent me and this empty chair represent Christ. For a long time I believed He existed and He could help me. However, I did not have eternal life because I was trusting in my own good works to get me into heaven. Years ago I repented of my sins and transferred my trust from myself to Jesus Christ…from what I had been doing for God to what He has done for me on the cross (move to the empty chair). By a simple act of faith I transferred my trust from what I had done to what Christ has done for me.

When I sat in my chair I did a lot of good things but I did them to gain God’s favor. Now that I’m sitting in the Christ chair I still do many of the same things but I do the out of gratitude for what God’s done for me.

When I asked you earlier what you would say to God if he were to ask you, "Why should I let you into My Heaven?" you said, "I try to be good. I try to live a good life. I have been a pretty good person." Who is the only person referred to in your answer?

To receive eternal life you must transfer your trust from yourself to Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.


Does this make sense to you?


You’ve just heard the greatest story ever told, about the greatest offer ever made, by the greatest person who ever lived, and this raises the greatest question you will ever have to answer. Would you like to receive the gift of eternal life?


Let me clarify what this involves:
Transfer trust
Receive the resurrected and living Christ as Savior
Revelation 3:20 - "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me."
Receive Christ as Lord
Repent – U turn


If this is what you really want, I can lead us in prayer and we can tell God what you just now told me.

Pray for them - that God would give them faith and repentance
Pray with them - in short phrases of the Gospel Outline, allowing them to repeat after you
Pray for them - that the Holy Spirit will grant them assurance
I would like you to read something Jesus says about what you have just done. John 6:47
Ask two diagnostic questions

Welcome to the family of God

Follow-Up -- Growing in Christ

Five Means of Growth

Bible (7 -day callback)

Appointment for church

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