Monday, February 13, 2006

EVANGLISM Session 6 Handout


Let's imagine in my right hand is a minutely detailed account of my life. Each page details the sin of a particular day-every word l have spoken, every thought that ever crossed my mind, every deed I've ever done.

Here then (hold up the book) is the problem-my sin (place book in palm of left hand). God loves me (point to your left hand) but He hates my sin (point at the book on top of your left hand) and must punish it.

To solve this problem, He sent His Son into the world (lift up the right hand parallel to the left hand). The Scripture says (quote Isaiah 53:6 - as you say the words "laid on Him" transfer the book in one distinct motion from your left hand to your right hand and leave it in the right hand). All of my sin which God hates has been placed on Jesus Christ.

Finally, when the last sin had been paid for, Jesus said, "It is finished!" This is an interesting word in the original text. It is TETELESTAI, a commercial word which means, "It is paid, the debt is paid." When He died, He was buried in a grave for three days (put the book on your lap); but He rose from the dead and went to heaven to prepare a place for you and me. Now He offers heaven -eternal life--to you and me as a gift.


Key to Heaven

Faith is the Key that opens the door to heaven. On this key ring (hold up your key ring) there are many keys. Some even look somewhat alike. Yet, when I go to unlock my front door tonight, I could try all of these keys except the right one and l could not unlock the door. It does not matter how sincere I am in exercising my belief that a different key will open the door. The fact is that only the right key will open the door.

The right key to heaven is saving faith. Before we talk about saving faith the only key that will open heaven's door --I want to talk about two other keys that people often think will open the door to heaven.

Those keys are head knowledge and temporal faith.

Head Knowledge

Many people know certain historical facts about Jesus. They believe in Jesus the same way they believe in Napoleon or George Washington. They believe He actually existed. They believe He was a real person in history, but they are not trusting Him to do anything for them now.

The Bible says the devil believes in God (quote James 2:19). So believing in God's existence is not what the Bible means by saving faith.

Temporal Faith

Temporal faith is another thing that people often mistake for saving faith. When a person trusts in the Lord for finances, you could call that financial-faith. A person may pray and trust the Lord to take care of his family. You could call this family-faith. Many have prayed for a safe trip. You could call that traveling-faith. There is one thing that all of these have in common. They are temporary. For instance, once you reach your destination, you don't need to trust the Lord for traveling-faith.

All the things of this world will pass away. They are temporary. But saving faith is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life.

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